How to Fix package-lock.json Merge Conflicts
A guide to fixing package-lock.json merge conflicts
A guide to fixing package-lock.json merge conflicts
Why Astro is better than Next.js for static, content-heavy websites.
The guide to fixing unsized images that cause layout shifts.
The guide to replacing your animated GIFs with videos for faster load and Largest Contentful Paint times.
The guide to compressing your website's images for faster load times.
The detailed guide to serving your website's images as fast as possible
The detailed guide to lazy loading your website's images
CSS now offers an experimental property that eliminates awkward-looking headlines.
The in-depth guide to understanding and optimizing the upcoming Core Web Vital for your website
How two simple steps improved the responsiveness of Wikipedia's mobile site
Learn step-by-step instructions on implementing a sleek dark mode theme for your website using Tailwind CSS.
A look at how we leveraged visual testing to catch UI bugs when developing Wikipedia's new desktop experience.
Chrome's DevTools performance panel can help you diagnose and fix common performance problems. Learn how in this article!
Learn how to incorporate performant web animations into your site while avoiding common pitfalls.
Using media queries is very popular in CSS, but this article explores how they can also be used in JavaScript
Performance comparison between Wikipedia's new search component built in Vue.js and the legacy search component.